TILT Talk E18: Book Talk Part Two–The Practice of Inclusive Teaching

July 05, 2023 00:39:14
TILT Talk E18: Book Talk Part Two–The Practice of Inclusive Teaching
TILT Talk E18: Book Talk Part Two–The Practice of Inclusive Teaching

Jul 05 2023 | 00:39:14


Hosted By

Dani Reilley Latisha Haag Nicole Frank Nathan Reidel Magdalene Moy May Yu-Harper

Show Notes

This is episode 18 of FHSU TILT Talk and part two of our summer book talk series. As mentioned in the previous episode, our TILT Team read What Inclusive Instructors Do by Tracie Marcella Addy, Derek Dube, Khadijah Mitchell, and Mallory SoRelle. The Faculty Development Team covered part one on inclusion and major principles. Today, the instructional design team will discuss the practice of inclusive teaching by answering the questions: 

How do they design an inclusive course? 

How do they make students feel welcome? 

How do they conduct class inclusively?

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